Monday, May 19, 2008

What the blog?

I spent pretty much all of Sunday being extremely productive-- aka browsing blogs all day. I couldn't tell you where I started, but I was just going from blog to blog (via everybody's "blog rolls") and finding things that I liked. About 45 minutes ago, of all the blogs in the world and in all the vastness of the internet, I came across another blogger from RI. The posts were all really interesting so I kept reading and realized that she was from the same town as me. Kept reading and realized that I actually knew this person well and hung out with them in high school.

Crazy, right?

It's pretty freaky if you ask me. It is like when people cringe when I play "The Name Game" after finding out someone is from a place/goes to a huge school where I happen to know 1 or 2 people. I ALWAYS ask if they know them. As bad as the odds may be, THIS SHIT HAPPENS!

Anyways, check out her blog, The Light(er) Side of Growing Up. It is seriously really great!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love me some Miss Ashley too! I actually know her.

She's awesome.