Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Disintegrating Apartment

So I'm back in the Cuse (yay national lax champs!) and my days in this apartment are withering away. I'm currently hanging out on the futon watching So You Think You Can Dance. Today, the movers came and packed up all of my belongings and they are currently in the back of a truck somewhere along the East Coast doing who knows what for the next 2 nights. I'm only moving 2 hours down the road but apparantly my pick-up date and delivery date had to be 2 days apart. And just for the record, the only reason that I have movers at all is because it is provided for by my new job... usually I'm a "throw all my shit in a trash bag and toss it in the back of my car" kind of girl. But hey! You want to come wrap my old worn out things up nicely in boxes? Why the hell not!

But back to my apartment and this lovely stained blue futon I'm on... our common room has witnessed the making of some great memories throughout the past year. My semi-roommate, Mr. George Lopez, reflected on some of them with me around the time of our graduation but I've decided to recap some here as well.

First of all, this futon has had all of the best of the best catch some shut eye upon it. We've got Chad (who probably frequented the futon the most), Dave S., Dave B. with his walking stick, Jackie, Krista's cousin, JJ, Teddy, Luke, Lindsey L., Greg, Amanda, Lauren M., Sandy, Jimmy (Sandy & Jimmy together?), Kimberly T, Brian, and of course my roommates who I'm sure have all passed out now or then while watching the tele. Tonight I'm proud to join the ranks of the all-nighters though! Yippee!

And now for some memories...

- Krista's 21st Birthday: Our first major party in September where we got to have everybody over and show off the place and get everybody shwasty with our college of cheap vodka and Keystone Light.

- Cranium: We were really into this first semester and it led to some AWFUL drawings (that were especially highlighted when compared to Kristina's impecible doodles that you would only find from an art major) and classic moments such as "Isn't India the country that makes the most films a year? There is the term "indie" film...?"

- Sumo Wrestling: How did we sumo wrestle in the apartment you may ask? Simple. Couches into a circle, boys with giant pillows, first one to knock another onto a sofa wins. My favorite part of this night was when the girls who live below us came to yell at us for making too much noise and Kim replied with a pointed "Thank you for your words." before shutting the door in their face. (P.S. Shout out to Kimber as I think she is the only avid reader of my blog!)

- Secret Santa Gift Exchange: Probably the most adorable moment that 9 college seniors could have put together... the exchange of each other's Christmas gifts over champagne, cheap beer, and snacks. And I must say, everybody bought damn good presents!

- Centipede on the Floor: Pretty self explanatory... it occurred in the beginning of the year and I think it was the first time all 5 of the girls were in the common room at the same time. There was a lot of screaming involved and an exchange of cupcakes to the boys next door in return of them killing the bug for us.

- The Viewing of 2 Girls 1 cup: We'd seen the reaction videos. We'd seen John Mayer's parody. We had no idea what was in store for us. Again, lots of screaming was involved here :)

- Discovery of YouPorn: Check it out for yourself.

- Keep A Child Alive Party: We had a little gathering for the new exec board at the end of the year and to watch Alicia Keys and KCA's mention on "American Idol". There was lots of food and lots of friends and lots of funny stories. I love entertaining :)

- The Office: Lots of "The Office" watching went on in our common room but my favorite was after a 9-roomie outing to Chili's (the time George Lopez fell down the steps) that involved lots of margaritas when we came back and all watched the two episodes of The Office that took place in Chili's... it is nice when you like spending time with people so much that this is preferable to a night at the bar with strangers.

- Late Night Visitors: Sometimes one of us girls will bring a "friend" back and walk in on some crazy hijinx from the other roommates... once one roommate stumbled upon a naked Brian running around (and then getting into pasta fights with Marc), another time one of us brought a boy back to craziness in the common room involving drunken "airplane" rides on my feet, ice cream flinging, and George Lopez repeatedly telling the boy, "welcome to the family!"

- My bedroom door. Since this is MY blog, my final memory of the common room will be EVERY time I exit my bedroom. You see, my room is the one bedroom (out of 5) that is right off of the common room. There was also a little problem with my door being oversized for the doorway... which led to EVERY time I exited my bedroom having to bang the door, slam my body into it, and literally BUST out of my bedroom.

I'm going to miss this place. And I don't mean the common room. Because looking back at this list, the common room doesn't really have anything to do with all of those memories. It is the people, the relationships, the experience of being in college and living with your friends, having no money and living in a shithole, and just having the most fun possible in the time that you have.

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