Friday, April 25, 2008

Going Green

A world of disappointment.

I don't understand why the world continues to ignore making any real changes in going green. I've been totally disappointed in the fact that both Vanity Fair and New York Times have green issues that were released and neither of them were printed on recycled paper.

I've been totally disgusted in everything that I have learned earlier in this year about non-profit organizations not actually helping their cause. This just furthers my disgust for organizations in the world and the people that run them.

More on this to come.

1 comment:

Kate said...

very interesting! thank you for sharing this! i too get jaded at the "cheap talk" so many social change organizations put out's like with RED campaign. Come on man! GAP could be giving 100% to the Global Fund and not incur big losses but noooo we'll just get all the great press and be a free rider on the sexy AIDS movement and only give a small amount. please! And it's not like giving to the Global Fund is even the best way to do it!!! (insert Kate thesis here hahah)
We know it's much harder to walk the talk than just talk it...but thanks to bloggers like you spreading the knowledge we can crack down on the man bit by bit. I think educating the general public is an immensely difficult task but you are helping us there...gotta understand the problem before we can get at it...and these are complex problems indeed.

Thanks for sharing this. don't get too down about it. just learn more (and share it!) and we'll make a good strategy to save the empire :0)