Recent events have made me decide that this is the time to kick my butt in gear. Every once in a while I get motivated like this and make the decision that "this is it." So, who knows how long it will last this time (I'm being honest here). But for real, I am always whining about the things that I don't like it my life and the truth of the matter is, everything is completely up to me to change. I don't like my weight? Eat less and work out more. I don't like not having a large social network? Stop repeating the same patterns I have been and put myself out there. I don't like being tired all the time? Go to bed earlier. I don't like my car? Start putting aside money, start researching, and get a new one. I don't like feeling silly after being drunk? Drink less. I don't like feeling like I suck at work? Stop wasting time while I'm there (oops) and start kicking ass.
All of the things I don't like, I HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE. And I'm extremely lucky and extremely blessed in that sense. So it is time to get myself into power mode and kick my own butt into shape.
This morning I woke up at 5:00 a.m. (okay... I hit snooze 1 or 2 times) and got to the gym for a 5:45 a.m. work out before I even went to my real job. I did a "Cardio Bar" class that switches up different types of cardio each class. Today was kickboxing and it was tough! However, I pushed myself through it as best I could and then showered and cleaned up at the gym. Since I was at the gym so early, I also got into work early... so yeah, I'm wasting a little time right now, but I was also in 45 minutes earlier than I usually make it! And as for food for the day... I brought a Dannon Light n Fit Yogurt and a banana for breakfast. A Lean Cuisine meal for lunch, and some green beans and rice cakes as a snack. When I want to shape up, I resort back to what I've learned through Weight Watchers and count my points. So the way that I figure (and correct me if anybody knows better):
Yogurt: 2 points
Banana: 2 points
Green beans: 0 points
Iced coffee w. skim milk: 2 points
2 Rice cakes: 2 points
Lean Cuisine: 7 points
TOTAL: 15 points
That then leaves me a good amount for dinner. Routine works well for me, so yesterday I went to the grocery store (after doing a "High/Low" aerobics class at the gym) and bought enough of these foods to eat the same thing every day for the rest of this week (except I also plan to add carrots as a snack). I highly doubt any of you care about what I eat every day but maybe publishing it to the internet will me to stay on track.
Alright, I'm going to work on fixing the part about feeling like I suck at work and get going with something productive.
For your listening/viewing pleasure, I will leave you with the song that is currently stuck in my head and may very well be my anthem for my new attempt to kick my butt in gear... or shall I say, spice up my life?
All of the things I don't like, I HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE. And I'm extremely lucky and extremely blessed in that sense. So it is time to get myself into power mode and kick my own butt into shape.
This morning I woke up at 5:00 a.m. (okay... I hit snooze 1 or 2 times) and got to the gym for a 5:45 a.m. work out before I even went to my real job. I did a "Cardio Bar" class that switches up different types of cardio each class. Today was kickboxing and it was tough! However, I pushed myself through it as best I could and then showered and cleaned up at the gym. Since I was at the gym so early, I also got into work early... so yeah, I'm wasting a little time right now, but I was also in 45 minutes earlier than I usually make it! And as for food for the day... I brought a Dannon Light n Fit Yogurt and a banana for breakfast. A Lean Cuisine meal for lunch, and some green beans and rice cakes as a snack. When I want to shape up, I resort back to what I've learned through Weight Watchers and count my points. So the way that I figure (and correct me if anybody knows better):
Yogurt: 2 points
Banana: 2 points
Green beans: 0 points
Iced coffee w. skim milk: 2 points
2 Rice cakes: 2 points
Lean Cuisine: 7 points
TOTAL: 15 points
That then leaves me a good amount for dinner. Routine works well for me, so yesterday I went to the grocery store (after doing a "High/Low" aerobics class at the gym) and bought enough of these foods to eat the same thing every day for the rest of this week (except I also plan to add carrots as a snack). I highly doubt any of you care about what I eat every day but maybe publishing it to the internet will me to stay on track.
Alright, I'm going to work on fixing the part about feeling like I suck at work and get going with something productive.
For your listening/viewing pleasure, I will leave you with the song that is currently stuck in my head and may very well be my anthem for my new attempt to kick my butt in gear... or shall I say, spice up my life?
Hi muffin face.
I don't officially have internet until Friday so but i wanted you to know that i am still an avid reader of Figuring it Out and I am super proud of you for your new commitment/motivation. Keep up the good work! I'm thinking of you!
P.S. Shirley's letter/lovely e-mail will be headed your way as soon as Nadine gets reconnected to the rest of the world.
So I know the point is not for you to find a way to eat MORE, but as a fellow point counter (best diet because its the only one that allows you to count alcohol as food points)but the Dannon Light and Fit yogurt is only 1 point if you use the point slider guy. congrats on the 5 lbs!
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