He is a pretty quirky fellow and really interesting to talk to. In the middle of a sentence, he would stop. Get up from his seat. Leave the room. And come back with something in his hands to show me, explain to me, and then we'd go on with the conversation. I can just picture him stopping to get a coffee one day from Starbucks with someone and probably being in the middle of a conversation when he suddenly realized there was a quote written on his cup that he really identified with. Having whatever conversation he was mid suddenly be gone from his head and stutter around in circles for a few moments and wanting to save the cup. I feel like someone else may have suggested he go ask for another one.
But anyways, Dave Grusin is a musician. An Academy Award winning musician! He has composed music, arranged, and played the piano for a number of classic movies… the ones that mean the most to me are Tootsie, The Graduate, The Firm, and who know this, but The Goonies! What struck me as amazing about this quote is that it was presented to me by an analytical chemist in a Chem/Bio Sensors Laboratory as his motto, yet it was written by a musician. Me? I'm not sure what I am but definititely not either of those, yet it resonates with me as well. And someone, somewhere in corporate Starbucks found it appealing as well and chose to print it on coffee cups that circulated perhaps around the world.
I wonder how you get a job like that? The coffee cup quote selector. I think I'd be good at that...
p.s. That is not my hand in the picture-- I just found that online somewhere.
1 comment:
your second to last paragraph reminded me of the office quote: "The Japanese camp guards of World War II always chose one man to kill whenever a batch of new prisoners arrived. I always wondered how they chose the man who was to die. I think I would have been good at choosing the person." --Dwight Schrute
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