Thursday, August 7, 2008


Weigh in was this morning!

I had some trouble with the slidey thing on the scale. Seriously, it was not balancing in between. It was going right from slamming up at the top to slamming down at the bottom-- THERE WAS NO SWEET SPOT! So, I got off that scale that I had been using and went to the one that sits on the floor and then the spinny needle of death shoots up to like 350 pounds then bounces back down and flops back and forth for a little then finally decides how fat you are.

So THAT scale tells me that I weight FIFTEEN pounds less than what I'd been doing with the big scale. Now come on! How could two scales be so ridiculously different? This is bullshit.

Moral of the story, I really have no idea how much I weigh right now. I got back on the slidey thing scale because thats what I've been using for the past 2 weeks.... and although I'd like to think I weigh 15 pounds lower like the spinny scale told me, I knew that was wrong. I finally got the slider to balance somewhere and it turns out that I (think) I lost 3.5 lbs this week!

Which means my total is: Loss of 8.5 lbs and my weight is currently XX0.

Next week will be interesting because I don't know if I actually did lose 3.5 or what the deal is... but hopefully the slider will be working more accurately and will be BELOW the XX0 mark next week.

If only this dude had been in the women's locker room at Best Fitness to help me.


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