Saturday, August 30, 2008
Ugh, I need help.
Internetians, I've been SOOO bad at blogging.
I've also been so bad at dieting.
On Thursday, when I weighed myself I gained 1.5 lbs in the week. Which I figured is okay because it was my birthday weekend and I let myself splurge, but I've had a hard time getting back on track even a week later. I have no motivation to go to the gym. I've had mild success and I feel great and I need to get myself back on track.
If anybody has any words of wisdom or advice for whenever they get in a period like this, please let me know!
I told myself that it was okay that I went a little slack for a while because I am trying to make this a lifestyle thing and a long term project so if there is a few days in a row that I have less energy and miss the gym, that is okay... but I just need to be able to then after those days GET BACK to the gym. Tuesday I couldn't get myself to go to the gym then Wednesday I had a mediocre day at the gym and then I took a walk after work. Thursday I had a great workout but then Friday I couldn't get myself to go! Today I'm at home so I didn't do anything athletic and ate a little too much via snacking and a cookout and a wine tasting... but I need to kick my butt back into gear because I don't feel good right now.
I've also been so bad at dieting.
On Thursday, when I weighed myself I gained 1.5 lbs in the week. Which I figured is okay because it was my birthday weekend and I let myself splurge, but I've had a hard time getting back on track even a week later. I have no motivation to go to the gym. I've had mild success and I feel great and I need to get myself back on track.
If anybody has any words of wisdom or advice for whenever they get in a period like this, please let me know!
I told myself that it was okay that I went a little slack for a while because I am trying to make this a lifestyle thing and a long term project so if there is a few days in a row that I have less energy and miss the gym, that is okay... but I just need to be able to then after those days GET BACK to the gym. Tuesday I couldn't get myself to go to the gym then Wednesday I had a mediocre day at the gym and then I took a walk after work. Thursday I had a great workout but then Friday I couldn't get myself to go! Today I'm at home so I didn't do anything athletic and ate a little too much via snacking and a cookout and a wine tasting... but I need to kick my butt back into gear because I don't feel good right now.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
What I've Been Reading.
One of the things that I love about blogging and about blogs is that there is such a wide variety of them out there, if you look for it, you can literally find a blog that will discuss any topic you are interested in. For work, we target really niche sciency geeky blogs and trust me, there are TONS out there on the strangest little subtopics you could ever imagine. For my personal use, I like funny blogs, people my age that I can relate to, blogs about how to get ahead in the working world for students right out of college, etc. I recently sent my mom a list of blogs she might like that included everything from blogs about being a mom, blogs about dealing with your children all being in college, Curt Schilling's blog, my own blog, a blog by a woman in the town we're from, etc.
I would seriously like someone to challenge me to be able to find a blog about a niche group. I guarantee you it would exist. It would be a game sort of similar to when I make Masty MD challenge me to see if I really do have a story about EVERYTHING and I have him just send me a list of words and I can always think of some sort of story to tell that relates to that word. If you sent me a list of words... I could find you blogs about that. I use blogs to stay in touch with what is going on with Boston sports, with Syracuse, to learn more about different cultures, to keep in touch with friends, to be updated on what important people are saying about different topics, to get some news, etc.
With all that content out there, you might find that overwhelming and it sort of can be. But once you find a selection of blogs that you follow or if you get involved in a blogging network it is great. Since I follow a lot of blogs on a lot of different things that I'm passionate about, sometimes those blogs will post something that seems to be written exactly for me. When that happens, I know that blog is a keeper. This recently has been happening to me with entries at Brazen Careerist. These articles really hit home with things that I've been feeling lately.
This post pretty much directly conflicts with what my blog is titled but it is still awesome.
This post make me feel really good to know that how I've been feeling with the city of Albany is a situation that others have been in before. Not necessarily with Albany and not necessarily the exact same situation. But enough similarities that I felt like this could have been an e-mail from an older friend that was written directly to me to comfort me.
Then this blog in general is totally cute and I recommend it to all the sports loving girls out there.
If you are intererested in ridding your life of drama you could check out this, again from Brazen Careerist. I really enjoyed this entry, because as I've learned lately, drama sucks.
I just like this article because the caption on the photo cracks me up every time I look at it.
This article is by a girl named Katie too and she thinks that life after college is kinda tough too.
I would seriously like someone to challenge me to be able to find a blog about a niche group. I guarantee you it would exist. It would be a game sort of similar to when I make Masty MD challenge me to see if I really do have a story about EVERYTHING and I have him just send me a list of words and I can always think of some sort of story to tell that relates to that word. If you sent me a list of words... I could find you blogs about that. I use blogs to stay in touch with what is going on with Boston sports, with Syracuse, to learn more about different cultures, to keep in touch with friends, to be updated on what important people are saying about different topics, to get some news, etc.
With all that content out there, you might find that overwhelming and it sort of can be. But once you find a selection of blogs that you follow or if you get involved in a blogging network it is great. Since I follow a lot of blogs on a lot of different things that I'm passionate about, sometimes those blogs will post something that seems to be written exactly for me. When that happens, I know that blog is a keeper. This recently has been happening to me with entries at Brazen Careerist. These articles really hit home with things that I've been feeling lately.
This post pretty much directly conflicts with what my blog is titled but it is still awesome.
This post make me feel really good to know that how I've been feeling with the city of Albany is a situation that others have been in before. Not necessarily with Albany and not necessarily the exact same situation. But enough similarities that I felt like this could have been an e-mail from an older friend that was written directly to me to comfort me.
Then this blog in general is totally cute and I recommend it to all the sports loving girls out there.
If you are intererested in ridding your life of drama you could check out this, again from Brazen Careerist. I really enjoyed this entry, because as I've learned lately, drama sucks.
I just like this article because the caption on the photo cracks me up every time I look at it.
This article is by a girl named Katie too and she thinks that life after college is kinda tough too.
Okay, since I haven't been around in a little while ... read all this stuff in the meantime.
I swear I have vivid memories of writing about this, but I looked through my past entries and didn't see so here I go. One time in high school, my 4 best friends and I were having one of many sleepovers. We were at Smacky's house and having a good time, dishing about whatever, and just being ridiculous together. For some STRANGE reason that I am not sure if any of us remember, we decided to play a little game where one of us would leave the room for 5-10 minutes and the other 4 of us would brainstorm and come up with one trait that person had that we thought was their best characteristic and one that is the person's worst characteristic.
Now, I'm not sure if this is immediately setting off any alarms for anybody out there as to how this could be a problem but it didn't for us. We. Were. Stupid.
It is funny because I can't remember what we chose as each of our good qualities (funny how that works) but I vividly remember what we chose as the negative qualitites in each of us. I'm not sure if our intentions were to bring us closer as friends, to make ourselves more self aware, or to try and correct these things. However, what was told to me by my best friends was that my worst quality is that I am not very considerate of others.
Now I was pissed. Being considerate of others is something that I've always tried to be. I thought of that as one of my GOOD qualities. Maybe I am wrong. But to this day, I remember that and remember being so upset about this. Since then I've made EVEN MORE of an effort to be considerate of others. I always try to be inclusive, seek out individuals who I feel may be struggling or need a friend, offer up my seat to those who need it more, help people when I can, do little things to brighten someones day, show people that I care, etc.
For example, recently a coworker of mine's mother passed away. She had been sick for a long time and everyone who worked here has heard about her struggle via her daughter in our office (and let me point out, that the woman who passed away was in her 90s and had lived a happy life... her daughter in our office, is older than my mother). They were all attending the services and let me know about them as well. I wasn't sure if I should or not... I had only been working here less than 2 months at the time, had minimal interaction with this co-worker and didn't know much at all about her family or her mother. When I asked my friends if I should attend or not, everybody said no. They said that I didn't need to, that they wouldn't, etc. However, I decided to go. I wanted the woman in my office to know that even though I hadn't know her for long, I cared, and that her WHOLE team had come out to support her, not just the ones who it may have been more obligatory for. Even though I was really unsure and nervous about it, I went, I sat alone in the synagogue (somewhere I had never been inside of before). I smiled at her as she processed out with her family. I was supportive with my presence the best I could be. Other people may not have gone to the services, but I did because thats the kind of person I am. I consider that to be being considerate.
The point of this post, although its taken a while to get here, is that I CAN'T STAND inconsiderate people. People who only think about themselves. People who can't be bothered to lift a finger to do something for the good of another... whether it be throw some coins in a homeless person's cup, wash the extra dishes in the sink, say a supportive word when someone is having a bad day, or invite someone to join who is discluded. People like this are people that make my skin crawl when I'm around them and are people that I'll never be able to get along with.
The End.
I apologize for such a lame ass post after so much nothing... I'll try and do better in the future!
Now, I'm not sure if this is immediately setting off any alarms for anybody out there as to how this could be a problem but it didn't for us. We. Were. Stupid.
It is funny because I can't remember what we chose as each of our good qualities (funny how that works) but I vividly remember what we chose as the negative qualitites in each of us. I'm not sure if our intentions were to bring us closer as friends, to make ourselves more self aware, or to try and correct these things. However, what was told to me by my best friends was that my worst quality is that I am not very considerate of others.
Now I was pissed. Being considerate of others is something that I've always tried to be. I thought of that as one of my GOOD qualities. Maybe I am wrong. But to this day, I remember that and remember being so upset about this. Since then I've made EVEN MORE of an effort to be considerate of others. I always try to be inclusive, seek out individuals who I feel may be struggling or need a friend, offer up my seat to those who need it more, help people when I can, do little things to brighten someones day, show people that I care, etc.
For example, recently a coworker of mine's mother passed away. She had been sick for a long time and everyone who worked here has heard about her struggle via her daughter in our office (and let me point out, that the woman who passed away was in her 90s and had lived a happy life... her daughter in our office, is older than my mother). They were all attending the services and let me know about them as well. I wasn't sure if I should or not... I had only been working here less than 2 months at the time, had minimal interaction with this co-worker and didn't know much at all about her family or her mother. When I asked my friends if I should attend or not, everybody said no. They said that I didn't need to, that they wouldn't, etc. However, I decided to go. I wanted the woman in my office to know that even though I hadn't know her for long, I cared, and that her WHOLE team had come out to support her, not just the ones who it may have been more obligatory for. Even though I was really unsure and nervous about it, I went, I sat alone in the synagogue (somewhere I had never been inside of before). I smiled at her as she processed out with her family. I was supportive with my presence the best I could be. Other people may not have gone to the services, but I did because thats the kind of person I am. I consider that to be being considerate.
The point of this post, although its taken a while to get here, is that I CAN'T STAND inconsiderate people. People who only think about themselves. People who can't be bothered to lift a finger to do something for the good of another... whether it be throw some coins in a homeless person's cup, wash the extra dishes in the sink, say a supportive word when someone is having a bad day, or invite someone to join who is discluded. People like this are people that make my skin crawl when I'm around them and are people that I'll never be able to get along with.
The End.
I apologize for such a lame ass post after so much nothing... I'll try and do better in the future!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Move, bitch, get out the way.
With my recent trips every weekend coupled with my 25 minute each way daily commute, I’ve been spending a lot of time in my car lately. This excess interaction with my lovely little 92 Honda Accord that I bought when I was a junior in high school has created a few effects.
First of all, I’ve developed some severe road rage. And I mean severe. For most of my driving history my horn has remained pretty much untouched. Nowadays though, I have the urge to hold it down until my thumbs burn holes straight through. I’ve started to literally shout things at people driving slow ahead of me while alone in my car. I’ve even resorted to giving cars the finger as I pass them on the highway!
I’ve just never felt this intense road rage before! Anybody that gets in my way, I want to plow into them and then punch them in the face and then keep driving. When people are in the lane all the way to the left and driving 70 mph it infuriates me. Yes, I understand that the speed limit is 65 on major highways and yes I realize that 70 mph is technically driving fast and that if I’m driving faster than that it may not be the best decision. BUT when people just sit in the left lane going a steady 70, I want to kill them. JUST MOVE OVER. Why do they feel the need to just sit there and have people move to the middle/right lane to go around them? MOVE OVER.
It especially makes me mad if it is a 2-lane highway and two cars will just sit going around 70 right next to each other so I can’t move around them. Seriously, people need to get a clue and realize that me riding their ass isn’t because I want to analyze their license plate. I am doing that to give you a hint to get the fuck out of my way before I rear end you and push you out of the way. Sometimes I feel like people are trying to make it their job to regulate the speed limit on the highway so they sit in the left lane at 70. But what I have to say to that is, if I want to speed, I’m going to speed, so just don’t be a douche bag and move so that I don’t have to make it MY JOB to rip my steering wheel out of my car and throw it at you.
With that all being said, let it be known that I am still a big pussy. I’ve held back my horn honking urges almost completely (only a few times have I honked a tiny bit). My shouting in the car is never while looking at a fellow driver and would probably be mistaken by anybody that noticed as me singing along. And whenever I am flipping someone off, I do it holding my hand low so that nobody can see it (it just gives me satisfaction to do it).
A few weeks ago I heard some story about how a guy got so pissed off in traffic he got out of his car with a giant gun and shot a ton of people. Shit like that TERRIFIES me and I don’t want to get caught up in a situation like that so I don’t want to piss others off while driving. So I still am really careful to contain my road rage, or at least not let other drivers know that I want to side swipe them and leave them in a ditch.
Another result of my driving, specifically my commute, is that I now recognize all of the tollbooth workers. I know what time (approximately) the shifts change, which days of the week I can expect to see certain people, and which booth certain people will be in. I’ve gotten so used to the routine that this morning I was totally thrown off when the usual older man who is there on my way to work wasn’t! Since I see these people regularly, I’ve gotten the urge to ask them their names. Would that be weird? I feel like it totally would but I just think that my morning and their mornings would be so much more enjoyable if when I drove through I was able to say, “Good morning Joe! How are the kids?” Instead of just, “Thanks!” and driving away. I think I just might give it a whirl and see how it goes.
And lets go full disclosure here and I’ll be totally honest with you internet world… I sort of have a crush on one of the tollbooth workers. He is kind of cute and I may or may not have slight daydreams about him. Nothing real serious, because all I know of him is the 15 seconds it takes me every day to drive through the toll. But I started to think that I dunno… maybe one day instead of just handing me the ticket, he slips me a note along with the ticket telling me about how he waits all morning for me to drive through and then spends the rest of the day wondering about where I was driving to, what I do, and who I spend my days with. Then I would start writing him little notes back and find out about his life. We’d have this romantic courting relationship through love notes but our face to face reaction would be limited and we’d be torn from each other’s gaze due to lines of honking cars behind me as I was forced to press on the gas and drive away from him yet again.
Hey a girl can daydream can’t she?
First of all, I’ve developed some severe road rage. And I mean severe. For most of my driving history my horn has remained pretty much untouched. Nowadays though, I have the urge to hold it down until my thumbs burn holes straight through. I’ve started to literally shout things at people driving slow ahead of me while alone in my car. I’ve even resorted to giving cars the finger as I pass them on the highway!
I’ve just never felt this intense road rage before! Anybody that gets in my way, I want to plow into them and then punch them in the face and then keep driving. When people are in the lane all the way to the left and driving 70 mph it infuriates me. Yes, I understand that the speed limit is 65 on major highways and yes I realize that 70 mph is technically driving fast and that if I’m driving faster than that it may not be the best decision. BUT when people just sit in the left lane going a steady 70, I want to kill them. JUST MOVE OVER. Why do they feel the need to just sit there and have people move to the middle/right lane to go around them? MOVE OVER.
It especially makes me mad if it is a 2-lane highway and two cars will just sit going around 70 right next to each other so I can’t move around them. Seriously, people need to get a clue and realize that me riding their ass isn’t because I want to analyze their license plate. I am doing that to give you a hint to get the fuck out of my way before I rear end you and push you out of the way. Sometimes I feel like people are trying to make it their job to regulate the speed limit on the highway so they sit in the left lane at 70. But what I have to say to that is, if I want to speed, I’m going to speed, so just don’t be a douche bag and move so that I don’t have to make it MY JOB to rip my steering wheel out of my car and throw it at you.
With that all being said, let it be known that I am still a big pussy. I’ve held back my horn honking urges almost completely (only a few times have I honked a tiny bit). My shouting in the car is never while looking at a fellow driver and would probably be mistaken by anybody that noticed as me singing along. And whenever I am flipping someone off, I do it holding my hand low so that nobody can see it (it just gives me satisfaction to do it).
A few weeks ago I heard some story about how a guy got so pissed off in traffic he got out of his car with a giant gun and shot a ton of people. Shit like that TERRIFIES me and I don’t want to get caught up in a situation like that so I don’t want to piss others off while driving. So I still am really careful to contain my road rage, or at least not let other drivers know that I want to side swipe them and leave them in a ditch.
Another result of my driving, specifically my commute, is that I now recognize all of the tollbooth workers. I know what time (approximately) the shifts change, which days of the week I can expect to see certain people, and which booth certain people will be in. I’ve gotten so used to the routine that this morning I was totally thrown off when the usual older man who is there on my way to work wasn’t! Since I see these people regularly, I’ve gotten the urge to ask them their names. Would that be weird? I feel like it totally would but I just think that my morning and their mornings would be so much more enjoyable if when I drove through I was able to say, “Good morning Joe! How are the kids?” Instead of just, “Thanks!” and driving away. I think I just might give it a whirl and see how it goes.
And lets go full disclosure here and I’ll be totally honest with you internet world… I sort of have a crush on one of the tollbooth workers. He is kind of cute and I may or may not have slight daydreams about him. Nothing real serious, because all I know of him is the 15 seconds it takes me every day to drive through the toll. But I started to think that I dunno… maybe one day instead of just handing me the ticket, he slips me a note along with the ticket telling me about how he waits all morning for me to drive through and then spends the rest of the day wondering about where I was driving to, what I do, and who I spend my days with. Then I would start writing him little notes back and find out about his life. We’d have this romantic courting relationship through love notes but our face to face reaction would be limited and we’d be torn from each other’s gaze due to lines of honking cars behind me as I was forced to press on the gas and drive away from him yet again.
Hey a girl can daydream can’t she?
Thursday, August 14, 2008
People in Pain
First of all, check out this ridiculous video from the Olympics. Hungarian weightlifter, Janos Baranyai, dislocated his elbow while trying to life a shit ton of weight. I read about it and wanted to see a video but I couldn't find any official videos of this on the NBC Olympics Web site. I searched the dude's name on YouTube and there were some bootleg videos up (this event wasn't on primetime TV) so I stole one and posted it here. But watch it quick because I'm assuming that someone is going to realize that this is on YouTube and it probably isn't supposed to be so it might get jacked and taken off. In case that happens, I'm putting up some pictures also.

I know that last picture has poor quality but I did a screen shot of the video while it was in commission so that you could see these hysterical peeps in case the video gets taken away. One of the most disturbing parts is him shaking afterwards, so the video really is clutch to see that. I also, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the little people that scamper out to block the dude. In case you can't find the video, all these Chinese men and women run out about 2 seconds after the last picture was taken with these big posterboard looking things and just form a circle around him and the medical personnel that come out so nobody can see. Can you imagine if that was your job!?!? I imagine the conversation like this...
-- "So, what do you do?"
And some images...

-- "So, what do you do?"
-- "I am working now for the Olympics in Beijing!" (if this was your job you'd prob. want to start with a general statement like this to sound cooler.)
-- "Cool! Have you met Michael Phelps???" (that would be one of my questions)
-- "No, I haven't. I'm actually working primarily at the weight lifting venue."
-- "Really? What exactly do you do there?"
-- "Oh well, if someone... you know... drops a giant weight on themselves, passes out, or suffers any sort of severe injury... I help out in those sorts of situations." (sounds good, right?)
-- "Wow. You're a medical technician?"
-- "No, I just run out and stand in front with a little posterboard so nobody can see them in pain."
On this note, has anybody ever realized that Americans LOVE to see people in pain? For us, when someone is suffering, it is entertainment. Shows like Fear Factor, Survivor, Lost, etc. Even shows like "The Biggest Loser" are all about suffering because while those people are working out and not eating and pushing themselves to the limit... they are suffering let me tell you! We LOVE seeing people get hurt. How many of us saught out that video on YouTube of Jake Brown falling over 40 feet? I know A LOT of people did. Even just think about "America's Funniest Home Videos"! Yeah, a lot of that show is little babies or kittens and puppies doing dumb shit but a HUGE portion of it is people running into things, falling off of things, getting hit by things, etc. And THAT is what American's find funny!
So, to conclude, if you are a normal American, I recommend that you watch the video of the guy dislocating his elbow (search on YouTube if its not working here) and if you are not a normal American, watch it anyways because you don't see much since the Chinese block him with Beijing posterboards.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
B is for Brad
This may sound silly and a bit ridiculous, but I recently realized that I LIVE in New York! Shocker, right?
But seriously, prior to the past few months I always would answer the question, “Where are you from?” with a statement along the lines of “I am originally from Rhode Island, but I am going to school in Syracuse.” Or “I am from Rhode Island, but I’m living in NYC for the summer.” And when I was abroad it was an even more complicated answer of “I’m from the United States. I grew up in a state called Rhode Island. No, I’m not here with a group from Rhode Island, but I am here with Syracuse University, where I have gone to school for the past few years.”
Recently, when I’ve been meeting people out in Albany conversations have been going along the lines of…
- “Albany sucks.”
- Yeah, but its better than Syracuse
- “Is that where you are from?”
- Well, no, I’m from Rhode Island but I just graduated from Syracuse
- “Oh so what are you doing in Albany?”
- I have a job
- “like a summer internship?”
- No, it’s a full time job
- “Oh… so you live here permanently now?”
- Yeah, I guess I do…
Before it was always temporary but now I LIVE here.
I do not want to LIVE in New York. I do not like LIVING in New York. I don’t like the way it sounds I don’t like the way the license plates look. I don’t like the way the license is made. I don’t like not getting NESN. I don’t like the “thruway”. I don’t like the accents. I don’t like seeing Yankees/Mets/Giants/Jets crap everywhere. I don’t like it at all!
Last week I was at a party when M-diggity was visiting (you happy that I said your name there lil lady?) and I saw a boy with a Giants T-shirt on and a Boston baseball cap. First of all, my eyes have radar for Boston hats after being in NY for so long. I spot them and am drawn to those people from miles away. I immediately want to go up and talk to them and find out where they are from, why they are in this God forsaken state (that was a little harsh but I’m going to leave it) and if they want to be my friend and bitch about New Yorkers with me.
Usually I meet some cool people this way (although on a recent trip home to New England, my Boston hat radar didn’t register the change in location and was going off the wall with excitement and BoSox overload). So when I saw the boy with the Boston hat/Giant T-shirt combo I went up to him and initiated a conversation by asking him about it. When I asked if he was a Boston fan AND a Giants fan he said, "Nah, I don't like Boston, I just bought this hat because it has a "B" on it and my name is Brad."
He. was. dead. serious.
What? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? Has anybody in their life heard of something as ridiculous as this? As a Red Sox fan and as a fan of baseball and baseball hats in GENERAL... I was offended.
All I have to say is... what a tool.
But seriously, prior to the past few months I always would answer the question, “Where are you from?” with a statement along the lines of “I am originally from Rhode Island, but I am going to school in Syracuse.” Or “I am from Rhode Island, but I’m living in NYC for the summer.” And when I was abroad it was an even more complicated answer of “I’m from the United States. I grew up in a state called Rhode Island. No, I’m not here with a group from Rhode Island, but I am here with Syracuse University, where I have gone to school for the past few years.”
Recently, when I’ve been meeting people out in Albany conversations have been going along the lines of…
- “Albany sucks.”
- Yeah, but its better than Syracuse
- “Is that where you are from?”
- Well, no, I’m from Rhode Island but I just graduated from Syracuse
- “Oh so what are you doing in Albany?”
- I have a job
- “like a summer internship?”
- No, it’s a full time job
- “Oh… so you live here permanently now?”
- Yeah, I guess I do…
Before it was always temporary but now I LIVE here.
I do not want to LIVE in New York. I do not like LIVING in New York. I don’t like the way it sounds I don’t like the way the license plates look. I don’t like the way the license is made. I don’t like not getting NESN. I don’t like the “thruway”. I don’t like the accents. I don’t like seeing Yankees/Mets/Giants/Jets crap everywhere. I don’t like it at all!
Last week I was at a party when M-diggity was visiting (you happy that I said your name there lil lady?) and I saw a boy with a Giants T-shirt on and a Boston baseball cap. First of all, my eyes have radar for Boston hats after being in NY for so long. I spot them and am drawn to those people from miles away. I immediately want to go up and talk to them and find out where they are from, why they are in this God forsaken state (that was a little harsh but I’m going to leave it) and if they want to be my friend and bitch about New Yorkers with me.
Usually I meet some cool people this way (although on a recent trip home to New England, my Boston hat radar didn’t register the change in location and was going off the wall with excitement and BoSox overload). So when I saw the boy with the Boston hat/Giant T-shirt combo I went up to him and initiated a conversation by asking him about it. When I asked if he was a Boston fan AND a Giants fan he said, "Nah, I don't like Boston, I just bought this hat because it has a "B" on it and my name is Brad."
He. was. dead. serious.
What? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? Has anybody in their life heard of something as ridiculous as this? As a Red Sox fan and as a fan of baseball and baseball hats in GENERAL... I was offended.
All I have to say is... what a tool.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Weigh in was this morning!
I had some trouble with the slidey thing on the scale. Seriously, it was not balancing in between. It was going right from slamming up at the top to slamming down at the bottom-- THERE WAS NO SWEET SPOT! So, I got off that scale that I had been using and went to the one that sits on the floor and then the spinny needle of death shoots up to like 350 pounds then bounces back down and flops back and forth for a little then finally decides how fat you are.
So THAT scale tells me that I weight FIFTEEN pounds less than what I'd been doing with the big scale. Now come on! How could two scales be so ridiculously different? This is bullshit.
Moral of the story, I really have no idea how much I weigh right now. I got back on the slidey thing scale because thats what I've been using for the past 2 weeks.... and although I'd like to think I weigh 15 pounds lower like the spinny scale told me, I knew that was wrong. I finally got the slider to balance somewhere and it turns out that I (think) I lost 3.5 lbs this week!
Which means my total is: Loss of 8.5 lbs and my weight is currently XX0.
Next week will be interesting because I don't know if I actually did lose 3.5 or what the deal is... but hopefully the slider will be working more accurately and will be BELOW the XX0 mark next week.
I had some trouble with the slidey thing on the scale. Seriously, it was not balancing in between. It was going right from slamming up at the top to slamming down at the bottom-- THERE WAS NO SWEET SPOT! So, I got off that scale that I had been using and went to the one that sits on the floor and then the spinny needle of death shoots up to like 350 pounds then bounces back down and flops back and forth for a little then finally decides how fat you are.
So THAT scale tells me that I weight FIFTEEN pounds less than what I'd been doing with the big scale. Now come on! How could two scales be so ridiculously different? This is bullshit.
Moral of the story, I really have no idea how much I weigh right now. I got back on the slidey thing scale because thats what I've been using for the past 2 weeks.... and although I'd like to think I weigh 15 pounds lower like the spinny scale told me, I knew that was wrong. I finally got the slider to balance somewhere and it turns out that I (think) I lost 3.5 lbs this week!
Which means my total is: Loss of 8.5 lbs and my weight is currently XX0.
Next week will be interesting because I don't know if I actually did lose 3.5 or what the deal is... but hopefully the slider will be working more accurately and will be BELOW the XX0 mark next week.

If only this dude had been in the women's locker room at Best Fitness to help me.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Isn't this picture nutty? It was taken on July 27 in Suining, China, which is part of the Sichuan Province. Temperatures were over 98 degrees so people crowded to pools... this is what overpopulation and lack of water supply does to you I guess. As one of my friends pointed out, "Why didn't they just get rid of those inner tubes? They are taking up room!"
If anybody else loves photography, you should check out Week in Photos... I love it. And you get to vote at the end and it interesting to me to see how the picture I selected as my favorite was voted upon by others.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
A letter to blog-world and info on my new friend!
Dear Internet People and Blog-world,
I feel as though I've been neglecting you all lately which was never my intention. I guess the excitement of my 2nd blog child has left me no room to vent and talk about random things over here. I truly apologize and I have SO much to say that you and to tell you about. I have things I want to share. I have big, fun news. I have things to vent about. I have things to cry about. I have it all. Please just know that I've missed you just as much as I'm sure you've missed me.
I'm glad to have you back in my life.
To start, I wanted to give you a follow-up on the "Women In Business" event that I attended last week with the old ladies. One of the more chipper women in the crowd had asked for my e-mail address and as I am always anxious to find more people to e-mail with during the day at work, I gave it to her and gave her my work e-mail. A few days later I received this e-mail:
Face model, eh? I said I guess I was interested but what does it mean to be a face model...
Well, I informed her that I have NO friends (which is why I went to the damn Women in Business thing in the first place) so that sure I'd come but I was going to be riding solo. We wrote back and forth a few times for directions and whatnot, then yesterday was the big day! I was pleased to see this little e-mail from her pop into my inbox during the day yesterday...
How precious, she can't wait to see me! So yeah, I went over and when I first got there, our evening started a little rocky as I accidentally let her dog out and had to stand in her doorway for 5 minutes as she ran down the street yelling for "Sophie" to come back. My new friend baked me cookies, which I felt guilty about turning down, but I did (that situation is the worst... I hate when I cook people things and they don't eat it so I didn't want her to think I was rude but I also didn't want to break my diet just to be polite... plus, the cookies didn't look that good and I didn't want to break my diet on something lame like a non-good-looking cookie.
Speaking of being good-looking... last night was my first experience as a "face model" aka "complimented enough that I feel like a rockstar and buy lots of makeup". If you want to see pictures or read more about my experience, you can check out the entry I wrote about it on my 2nd-born blog, over here.
So internet world, I hope you don't hate me, because I love you.
I'll be better. I promise.
Much love,
Katie B.
P.S. Is it weird that this blog has given me some perspective on parenting? I am a middle child so I always feel like I'm the one that totally gets the shaft all the time. But first born kids are probably totally neglected once a new baby comes along. I suddenly feel bad for my older sister... but not too bad, which you'll learn about why in an upcoming post!
I feel as though I've been neglecting you all lately which was never my intention. I guess the excitement of my 2nd blog child has left me no room to vent and talk about random things over here. I truly apologize and I have SO much to say that you and to tell you about. I have things I want to share. I have big, fun news. I have things to vent about. I have things to cry about. I have it all. Please just know that I've missed you just as much as I'm sure you've missed me.
I'm glad to have you back in my life.
To start, I wanted to give you a follow-up on the "Women In Business" event that I attended last week with the old ladies. One of the more chipper women in the crowd had asked for my e-mail address and as I am always anxious to find more people to e-mail with during the day at work, I gave it to her and gave her my work e-mail. A few days later I received this e-mail:
"It was great meeting you at the WBC mixer. I'd love to connect again and
wondered if you could be a Mary Kay face model for me and give me your feedback
about our products. I have sessions on Saturday and Monday night at my home in
Loudonville. Would any of those times work or would you like to schedule an
appointment at another time? I hope you are having a great day!! Looking forward
to hearing from you."
Face model, eh? I said I guess I was interested but what does it mean to be a face model...
"Great....would love to have you over...we are expecting a few great women and
it's an eye cream we are focusing on eyes. Being a face model just
means testing out our colors and products and coming over for a make up demo and
to get your feedback. It takes about an hour and you are welcome to bring a
friend. We take an after picture of your new look if you wish. A lot of fun too!"
Well, I informed her that I have NO friends (which is why I went to the damn Women in Business thing in the first place) so that sure I'd come but I was going to be riding solo. We wrote back and forth a few times for directions and whatnot, then yesterday was the big day! I was pleased to see this little e-mail from her pop into my inbox during the day yesterday...
"Just checking in to see if tonight still works for you....just let me know and
I can't wait to see you."
How precious, she can't wait to see me! So yeah, I went over and when I first got there, our evening started a little rocky as I accidentally let her dog out and had to stand in her doorway for 5 minutes as she ran down the street yelling for "Sophie" to come back. My new friend baked me cookies, which I felt guilty about turning down, but I did (that situation is the worst... I hate when I cook people things and they don't eat it so I didn't want her to think I was rude but I also didn't want to break my diet just to be polite... plus, the cookies didn't look that good and I didn't want to break my diet on something lame like a non-good-looking cookie.
Speaking of being good-looking... last night was my first experience as a "face model" aka "complimented enough that I feel like a rockstar and buy lots of makeup". If you want to see pictures or read more about my experience, you can check out the entry I wrote about it on my 2nd-born blog, over here.
So internet world, I hope you don't hate me, because I love you.
I'll be better. I promise.
Much love,
Katie B.
P.S. Is it weird that this blog has given me some perspective on parenting? I am a middle child so I always feel like I'm the one that totally gets the shaft all the time. But first born kids are probably totally neglected once a new baby comes along. I suddenly feel bad for my older sister... but not too bad, which you'll learn about why in an upcoming post!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Monday, 8/4
I've been having a hard time getting motivated at the gym. I don't know why, but it is as if my body isn't working with me. Today I did 15 minutes on treadmill and 15 minutes on bike and thats all I could get out of myself!
Today I ate:
- coffee 2 points
- lean cuisine lasagna florentine 6 points
- bag of baked lays 2 points
- another coffee 2 points
- pudding 1 point
- banana 1 point
- sandwich from subway 6 points
TOTAL: 20 points
Today I ate:
- coffee 2 points
- lean cuisine lasagna florentine 6 points
- bag of baked lays 2 points
- another coffee 2 points
- pudding 1 point
- banana 1 point
- sandwich from subway 6 points
TOTAL: 20 points
Friday, August 1, 2008
Ew, ew, ew, ew.

Have you guys heard of the Montauk Monster? This thing is legit disturbing but everything that they have written about it on Gawker and the obsession they have with it is amazing and posts like this are the reason WHY I love Gawker. I really want to know what the hell this thing is and I love Gawker's response to Fox News bringing in Jeff Corwin (ha, I love that they did that, BTW) to comment on what this thing is:
"Fox News did a segment on our little creature friend this morning, bringing
on noted animal expert and possible crazy person Jeff Corwin to resolve the
matter. There he sat, reporting live from my beloved home city of Boston
(Katie B.'s note: BOO YAH!), and lied to America. "It's a dog, or a
raccoon" he said with shifty eyes. Whatever government agent was off
camera almost certainly had a gun leveled right at Corwin's head (or, you know,
some hell beast agent of the Dark was pointing a talon). When will this
vast conspiracy unravel? When will these potents be accepted as auguring
the end of days? For what it's worth, the Fox news lady doesn't believe
Corwin's awful lies, because she Wants to Believe. This is a monster
folks, plain and simple."
(P.S. Sorry about all the links... I should warn you now they all go to Gawker... as does half my posts here I am realizing... but I just love it. Is it an acceptable source of hard breaking news you think?)
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