Friday, March 28, 2008

Jumping Right In

Why am I here? I don't mean that in a philosophical "what is my life's purpose?" type of thing. I really am just wondering why am I here in my apartment, on a Friday night, watching Law and Order: SVU and starting a blog? My friends are all at the bar and I can't even muster the energy to take a shower!

I decided to start a blog because I want to be more in touch with what everybody is calling "new media". By everybody, I mean those I come across that are interested in the future of public relations and most media-focused jobs. I am a college senior, not interested in grad school at the moment, and desperate to be as prepared as possible for the world that I am about to become a part of. I don't really think that my blog will have a huge impact on the world and I don't really think that many people will want to read what I have to say. These first few entries will probably be a waterfall of thoughts because I've had this blog in my mind for quite a while.

So let's jump right in...

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