Tuesday, June 3, 2008

John Mayer = Genius.

I just rewrote this first line about 4 times because I'm not sure what to even say about how much John Mayer's ability to speak so eloquently and poetically impresses me. He makes amazing music but his blog is so intelligent and profound as well.

His latest entry talks about the movie The Goonies and how it relates to our generation. John talks about whether people identify with the misfits(the Goonies) or the popular asshole (Troy) in the movie. He says, "What happened to the better part of a generation that once walked out of their local theater rooting for the Mikeys and Chunks and Datas of the world? They've turned into Troys. Troys who can't accept the differences in others and condemn the things they don't understand. Finger-pointing, shit-talking Troys."

I agree and I want to give JM a hug for writing this entry.

Check it out.

And no, this isn't the first time that I've directed you all to John Mayer. But I can't help it. He just amazes me.

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