Friday, March 28, 2008

What people have to say...

I've always been interested in what people have to say. I like original thoughts. I like learning from those thoughts. I've always wanted to be one of those people that can say profound things without even trying. I'd actually settle for less than profound... I'd love to say something that was considered inspirational, thought-provoking, beautiful, and unique. I come across so much that fit this descripition in the most random places in my own life. Ever since around sophomore year of high school I've been recording all those little things in what I call my "quote books".

I write down quotes everywhere that I hear them. Movies, music, books, and people I meet all are resources for some of entries in my book. During high school, choosing a quote for my senior yearbook was a tedious process. And since then, my collection has doubled. However, if I had to choose right now, one of my favorite quotes that I try to live by is by Desiderata.

"With all of its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy."

A. It basically sums up the way I feel about life. I hate it sometimes. I hate how evil people can be. I hate how others, including myself, let that evil happen. I hate how there are things that you can't change and things you can't prevent. I hate how we all have expiration dates-- and that you can't change or prevent that. But, still, a day doesn't go by that I am absolutely blown away by the beauty and the pleasure that is in this world-- so much so that it makes the sham, drudgery, and broken dreams bearable.

B. I particularly love this quote because of where I found it. It is the only quote in my books that I allow where I found it to influence how I view it. My friends actually make fun of me because I am shameless in where I find things. Disney channel movies? Birthday cards? Professors? All fair game. And I love them all equally for it. But this one I found when I was looking through my mom's high school year book. It was her senior quote. Knowing how tediously I selected my own quote and how well Desiderata's words speak to me... it means so much to me that somehow, all those years ago, his words meant something to my mom. (As the ridiculous admiration that borders on obsession I have for my Mama Dearest becomes clearer, this will make more sense).

C. Strive to be happy, but don't be wreckless. Life can be a bitch, but don't give up on it. What better words are there to live by?

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